Case Studies

ICE BREAKERS – Remove Anxiety about ‘what to say’


Catherine needs to create an environment where her team are connecting and comfortable with each other. In the past people were able to connect at a deeper level in person by engaging in casual conversations. Since many of the team are working remotely they feel isolated and more and more are attempting to solve problems without working together.


Catherine chooses questions is to bring out commonalities amongst her team, creating bonds that were previously missing.

The Ice-Breaker questions are designed to help her team to reflect and share stories.

Some examples of questions she used were: “What are the strengths in our team?” and “What could our team do differently to be more productive?”


By using the ice-breaker, Catherine created an environment where her team members could chat with one another about issues that impacted their team’s productivity.

They got to know one another better and shared some recent stories that not all members were aware of.  They even discussed some work related issues about the team’s poor performance.

The end result was a more informal environment which was more conducive to working collaboratively.

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