Case Studies

Get To Know Your Teammates


Every week Chris meets with his team. Its been difficult in the online world as his team no longer have time for bonding moments and they don’t seem to gel like they used to. All week his team talk to each other on Zoom and MS Teams calls which are always brief and no-one spends any time catching up on the lives.

In the last month Chris’s weekly meeting have had very little spark and many key team members have stopped engaging in discussions. As he has so busy he only has minutes to come up with ice breaker ideas before each meeting and they never seem to work out.


Prior to starting each meeting, Chris runs a Strong Game trivia challenge from the pre-built library of games. He shares next week’s trivia topic in advance and assigns players to different pre-built groups each week so that staff who don’t normally work together have a chance to collaborate together and get to know one another.

Chris removes questions from the pre-built library game to keep games short – In the 10 minute range

Sometimes he lets people self-select into teams, and other times he assigns people teams


Once the game started everyone was fully engaged.  Everyone had a chance to connect in their groups and have short discussions on their previous week’s successes (one of the social questions), while having a laugh at some of the company trivia questions Chris produced. His pre-built questions he used were also a hit as they included video snippots of recent movies and even some from classics. 

Chris was happy to see smiling faces and hear some laughter in the main web meeting room once the Strong Game was over.  The entire effort to create the game took Chris less than 5 minutes and that time proved to be well spent.

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